Test your knowledge of the prepositions in / at / to / nothing- showing place and movement. Choose either in, at, to, or nothing and click onthe arrow to see you have answered correctly.

Preposition Exercises 2

Test you knowledge of the prepositions for / while / during.Choose either for, while or during and click on the arrow to see you haveanswered correctly.

Preposition Exercises 3

Test you knowledge of the prepositions in / at / on - showingtime and date. Choose either in, at or on and click on the arrow to see you haveanswered correctly.

Preposition Exercises4


1 - She wasn't short, she wasn't tall; she was average height.

2 - What are you going to buy Hania herbirthday?

3 - The police are looking a tall, black man whowas seen standing outside the bank just before the robbery took place.

4 - The teacher asked the class to do the exercise the bottom of page 12.

5 - As a child I was always ashamed my parentsbecause they were uneducated.

6 - I was always very good Geography when I wasat school.

7 - My uncle specializes in .

8 - We arrived Gorzów at 3.30 in the morning.

9 - I didn't see you the party on Saturday.

10 - There was a lot of coughing the performance ofMoniusko's 'Fairy Tale' symphony.

11 - He saw her as the most attractive womanthe world.

12 - Simon is completely useless sports.

Definition: A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.
Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Preposition Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers Pdf

Usage of Preposition
In most cases, it is easy to decide which preposition to use. The following prepositions, however, need special attention.
Use of At, on, in
At usually denotes a definite point of time but can also be used for indefinite periods:
On is used with days and dates:
In is used with parts of the day, with months, years, seasons:
In is also used with the future tense to show the period in which an action will happen.
In and within. In meAnswer: at the end of; within meAnswer: before the end of:
Use of By
By refers to a point of future time and denotes the latest time at which an action will be over.
Use of For
For is used with periods of time to show the duration of an action. It is mostly used with perfect continuous tenses though it may be found with other tenses as well.
Use of Since
Since marks the point of time at which an action began. It is used only if the action has continued till the time of speaking; hence it is used with perfect continuous tenses. Unlike ‘for’, ‘since’ can never be omitted.
Use of From
From denotes the starting point of an action and is used in all cases except when the action has continued till the moment of speaking. It is almost invariably used with to or till.
Use of At, in
At gives us the idea of an exact point and is, therefore, used with houses, villages, small towns.
In has the idea of a larger area and is used while speaking of bigger towns, states, countries, etc.
At conveys the idea of a general neighbourhood. In conveys the idea of something contained:
Use of On, Upon
On is used while speaking of things at rest; Upon is used with things in motion.

Cbse Class 10 Results

Use of Above, Over
Both above and over mean higher than. Sometimes we can use either of them.
But over can also mean covering, or vertically above.
Use of Below, under
Both below and under mean beneath and sometimes we can use either of them. But under meAnswer: vertically below. It also has the idea of contact.
Use of Into
Into denotes movement towards the interior of something.
We have entered into an agreement to export handicrafts to some European countries.
Use of For
For is used to tell direction when the verb shows the beginning of a movement. The children leaves for the school at 7 a.m.
We shall soon set off for Mumbai.
Use of Against
Against shows pressure or contact.

Prepositions Exercises For Class 10 Icse With Answers Pdf Textbook

Use of From
From is used with the point of departure.
Use Out Of
Out of is the opposite of into. It means from the interior of. He took a few books out of the almirah.
Read the picture story.
Answer the following questions.
1. What happened to the narrator once he got inside the house?
2. Where did the narrator’s eyes fall on?
3. What did narrator see in the restroom?

Prepositions Exercises With Answers Pdf for Class 7

A. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.
1. He went away __________ four o’clock __________ the afternoon __________ Monday.
2. __________ the evening, there’s a great film __________ TV and a comedy programme __________ midnight.
3. I stopped __________ his house to borrow a raincoat __________ the middle __________ a storm __________ Sunday.
4. __________ my opinion, you can rely __________ him to come __________ noon.
5. I saw him looking __________ some books __________ the library __________ Saturday. His brother was __________ him.
6. I posted the parcel __________ the main Post Office __________ Market Road.
7. It won’t fall __________ because I have twisted the wire __________ that post to keep __________ it position.
8. I was woken up __________ the sound of the radio __________ my brother’s room. The radio was on __________ a bit high volume.
9. He was lying injured __________ the field __________ a fall __________ his horse.
10.1 was shocked __________ the way __________ which he reacted __________ someone calling him ‘fatty’.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets.
1. This material is different ________ that. (from/to/with)
2. You should explain this ________ them. (to/at/with)
3. He has been absent. ________ Monday. (since/for/from)
4. I haven’t been to the theatre ________ a long time. (since/for/from)
5. He goes ________ school by car. (to/at/on)
6. This is a comfortable house to live ________ (on/at/in)
7. They are called ________ different names. (by/with/for)
8. We should not spend money ________ luxuries. (for/on/with)
9. I gave him a chair to sit ________ (on/at/in)
10. The new term begins ________ June 1st. (on/in/from)
C. Choose the correct prepositions.
1. He is very weak __________ (at, in, on) Geography but is good __________ (on, at, in) all other subjects.
2. The poet is famous __________ (for, in, at) his humorous poems.
3. Be careful __________ (at, with, of) that man if you are doing business with him. He is capable __________ (at, with, of) the meanest tricks.
4. He is annoyed __________ (at, with, about) me for losing his favourite pen.
5. Is she familiar __________ (at, with, for) this type of work? If she isn’t, we must find something she is more fit __________ (of, for, at).
6. Kamla is keen __________ (at, on, in) music and literature while her sister is more interested __________ (at, on, in) outdoor games.
7. Pooja was angry __________ (with, at, about) Alok when she found out that Alok had got rid of the cat which she was very fond __________ (of, with, at).
8. Although that handicapped person is incapable __________ (at, in, of) doing heavy work, he is adept __________ (in, at, on) weaving baskets.
9. The hotel is adjacent __________ (of, to, by) the railway station. The accommodation that it provides is adequate __________ (of, with, for) your needs.
10. She is gifted __________ (at, with, by) a talent for writing and is very successful __________ (in, at, with) her job as a journalist.

Class 10 Science Notes

D. Rewrite the sentences by adding prepositions wherever required. The first one has been done for you.
1. My parents sided my brother in our quarrel.
My parents sided with my brother in our quarrel.

Sdhc Class 10

2. My penfriend took a long time to reply my letter.
3. I searched my missing pen but could not find it.
4. Please supply us two more typewriters.
5. I am very worried my sister’s health.
6. You can wait the bus here.
7. Please hand your exercise books for checking.
8. What word must I look in the dictionary?
9. We set on our journey at six in the morning.
10. You should think about your decision before you hand in your resignation.
E. Edit the following sentences and put the write preposition at its place.

Prepositions Exercises For Class 10 Icse With Answers Pdf Answers

1. Please pay attention on what I have to tell you.
2. Don’t worry for your looks. Take care of your health.
3. This bread is superior than the one you are eating.
4. This book is quite difficult to the reader to understand.
5. This illness is caused from a virus.
6. Kamal is good in computer games.
7. I only go home on weekends.
8. His account of the accident differs to yours.
9. My boss is very satisfied by my work.
10. Don’t be afraid for ghosts. They don’t exist.